Monday, December 1, 2008

8A comments (continued)

"IS THIS SOME KIND OF JOKE? the clear creek roof for kids who don't climb roofs good has to be at least two or three times as big !!! personal revelation in beta supremecy after two frigid night sessions alone with the ghosts. could be a hard niner. all your betas are belong to SUCK. three stars for movement, negative one for stature. then, happy birfday to fiona and paradise crew and rj2 crew played w/ air hogs storm launcher. werd!"

"evilantattack. < V11"


"inadvertant invalid higher start from LH ball, RH crimp immediately underneath. a few others started here, as well. my anger has finally faded to embarassment. the original line and simply the easiest way to pull on = considered legimimate, irrespective of jaeger rules! very fun original arete exit, though had "spike" iduced pump tremors and almost blew it. warning label does not say: causes you to suck intensely and jitter w/ parkinson's at climbing tall top outs. low start will bump the stars up fo sho."

"st:dihdrl>'v8'crux>steep arete"

"snowshoe approach. deepest hueco start. clean swing. some holds were iced and unusable, so fully dry grade is unknown though likely the same. NOTE: i'm, like, at least 62% more hardcore than the average american male, ages 18-35, in the western portion of parker, colorado. TREMBLE AT MY CORENESS!!!!11111"

still more to come...


deleted user said...

I dont think you were jittering with parkinson's jaeger, maybe Autism but not parkinsons

sock hands said...

it gets the hose again