Tuesday, January 20, 2009

New Year, Same Jaeger

note: the following comment takes up more lines of text than the entirety of most people's scorecards.

misunderestimated line - broken "trailside v7". FA after break [then, silven a few minutes later] and it deserves a name since the beta is substantially different than before it broke. if the original FAist wants to give a real name, i'd be psyched. three star movement [maybe more w/ silven's beta] but minus for lowballery. i wouldn't mind if folks think this is v8, but it was certainly harder than cashmere sleeper and i was arguably close to sending infinite in a 15 minute blitz afterwards, which didn't feel lightyears harder. anyway, i bet that jemerson would call it v11+, but he will probably be too scared to try it because failure could risk being outed as a mere child in the land of men. after the send, braveheart asked for my autograph and an eldo stray asked me to sign her boobs [all 6] because i exuded manliness so much. flanface will flash, setting the bar for the lionesses

a particular wtf directed toward 'lionesses.' really, wtf?

more to come...


sock hands said...

if u had clues you'd know things worth knowing!

chuffer said...

thank you for this ... socktard, providing classic gobbletygook on the intardweb since ~2001